the wanderer

cassidy ironclaw. crystal, balmung. eastern.

Do not unsheath me without
reason. Do not wield me without honor.

carrd template by cassiaslair.



  1. No Transphobia.

  2. No Sexism.

  3. No Racism.

  4. No Injuries to Cassidy without asking.

  5. No Mixing IC/OOC. I'm very Happily Married IRL.


  1. Heya! I hope the carrd interested you enough to send me a message in-game or on Discord for some sweet sweet rp, if not.. well. Hope you have a good day, at least. :D

  2. I've been rp'ing for about 10 years, in a bounce between forums, FFXIV and WoW. I'm comfortable with going from writing paragraphs to one liners, whichever you prefer.

  3. I love slice of life rp. Sucker for it. Especially when it's mixed with fun adventure type stuff. That is my jam.

  4. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me in-game or in Discord. I'm always happy to chat with people! I work from home, so my schedule is pretty easy to work with. I just raid on Thursdays and Mondays.


  name.    Cassidy Ironclaw
  age.    Unknown
  birthday / nameday     Unknown
  astrological sign / guarding deity.     Unkown
  gender.     Male
  pronouns.     He/Him
  sexuality.     Straight
  height.     Five Foot Nine Inches
  weight.     One Ninety Two
  hair color.     Black With Crimson Tips
  eye color.     Glowing White
  skin tone.     Light Skinned
  notable features.     Unnaturally Bright Glowing Eyes, Scars All Over His Form, Usually Long Hair
  job occupation.   Wakagashira of Nisshoku-Gumi
  place of origin | home | affiliation.    Unknown, Considers Kugane His Home
  family.     Nisshoku-Gumi
  marital status.     Married to Eyja Thatcher

  d&d alignment.     Chaotic Good
  class.     Samurai
  likes.     Eyja, Training, Traveling, Tea, Sushi, Steak
  dislikes.     Not Traveling, Mint, Chocobos
  virtues.     Brave, Honest, Loyal,
  flaws.     Impatient, Retributive
  personality.     Due to his fractured memories, Cassidy has always been hesitant to make any real attachments to anyone. It was only recently that he started opening up to members within the organization that he works for. Like any typical rough adventurer, he is slow to trust .. but fast to protect once that stage has been reached.He enjoys tea, swimming, and cooking different types of dinner for his wife .. as well as training .. though he usually does so alone.


A wandering samurai without a destination, nor any real inclination towards one. An amnesiac, he was discovered in Kusakari four years ago.. clinging precariously to life amidst a sea of injuries. Initially deemed beyond saving, an old veteran medic from the Doman/Garlean wars adamantly refused to abandon him. Through sheer determination and skill, the medic stabilized his condition enough for transportation to Kugane, where, weeks later, he finally regained consciousness.Upon his complete recovery, and no name of his own to be remembered, he adopted the name of the son of the elderly woman who had rescued him, as a token of gratitude. His surname, bestowed upon him by the Ironworks Doctor who had aided in his rehabilitation in Mor Dhona, became Ironclaw, a homage to a legendary warrior revered by the seasoned scientist.Now known as Cassidy Ironclaw, he roams from task to task, never lingering for long in one place. Yet, wherever he goes, he lends his aid to those in need, embodying the spirit of the legendary warrior he was named after.

  1. Cassidy has no memory of his past. Eorzea is plagued by amnesiacs, and he'd probably be somewhat sympathetic to your character if they suffered from memory loss as well.

  2. Whilst he has all the traits of a loner, Cassidy enjoys the company when he gets to know someone.

  3. If your character has ties to Garlemald, you may find yourself being questioned by Cassidy at somepoint.. being that is the main lead to his lost memories.

  4. Cassidy carries a blade highly sought by Kugane Royalty, due to it's unique traits. They may even have a bounty out on him.